by naturalAdmin | Mar 5, 2020 | Workshops
Why does one person catch a cold while another person doesn’t? How come one person’s cold lasts three days, and another person is still sniffling three weeks later? Although there are several factors involved, the individual’s immune system is the major player...
by naturalAdmin | Mar 5, 2020 | Workshops
Fatigue is one of the most common concerns I hear from patients. While some cases require intensive treatment, the vast majority of people are making simple mistakes that when corrected, can make a significant difference in energy levels. Learn about which of your...
by naturalAdmin | Mar 5, 2020 | Workshops
The demands of life these days can be immense. From work, to managing a household, to raising children or caring for family, it can feel like the work never ends. So what if you weren’t just trying to make it to the end of each day or week? What if you had energy at...
by naturalAdmin | Mar 5, 2020 | Workshops
In this time of high workload/ high expectations, learn tools to evaluate your stress, increase your capacity, and feel your best. A portion of our time will be devoted to honing in on what makes you tick and gives you purpose, as this can be a key tool to surviving...
by naturalAdmin | Dec 27, 2019 | Workshops
Learn the secrets to healthy aging and how physical activity, mental stimulation and lifestyle choices intermingle to promote a graceful transition through the golden years.
by naturalAdmin | Dec 27, 2019 | Workshops
This talk is targeted to parents who are interested in keeping their kids safe and naturally healthy. Learn tips and tricks on safe and effective home remedies that can be easily used to treat a variety of common childhood conditions (as well as tips to keep mom and...