Naturopathic Services in Calgary

A naturopathic doctor spends time getting to know you. In order to be thorough, initial visits are about one hour in length. We discuss together your current health concerns and goals, as well as collect your complete health history, family medical history, and a review of your body systems.  Through individualized assessments, we then determine together the treatments best suited to you. This team approach between you and your ND helps ensure your treatment is manageable and a good fit for your lifestyle.  Contact or visit us in our Calgary Office.

You may be coming to us for prevention, wanting to avoid the illnesses that plague your family, co-workers or other kids at daycare.  You may be hoping there could be an even better, more energetic you if you just did something a bit different.  You may be in a place of dis-ease and hoping we can offer a new perspective on how to improve your health.  With all these goals and more, we hope to show you that your health goals and dreams are within reach.  Our vision and purpose is to help you enrich your life, naturally.

Unable to stay for a longer appointment?  We offer a 30 minute visit to address one health concern and get you back on your feet.  Initial appointments can also be divided into 2 shorter appointments.

Interested but still not sure?  Please come in for a free meet and greet with Dr. Angela Kirk ND to see if the fit is right for you.

Book your next Naturopathic, CranioSacral or Physiotherapy appointment online or by phone. Call us at 403-542-3763

or use our online booking system to book your next session in our Calgary clinic.

Enriching lives naturally.

1025 1 Ave NE. Calgary, AB, T2E 9C6